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Environmental Health

Program Funding
Total Spent
Total Obligated

Some agencies choose to report funding totals for multiple programs in a single submission. The obligated and spent totals shown here only reflect those reported for this program alone. To see all money associated with this program, use the All Pandemic Awards dashboard and search for the program in the filter bar.

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Assistance Listing
Published Date
To foster understanding of human health effects of exposure to environmental agents in the hope that these studies will lead to: the identification of agents that pose a hazard and threat of disease, disorders and defects in humans; the development of effective public health or disease prevention strategies; the overall improvement of human health effects due to environmental agents; the development of products and technologies designed to better study or ameliorate the effects of environmental agents; and the successful training of research scientists in all areas of environmental health research. Supported grant programs focus on the following areas: (1) Understanding biological responses to environmental agents by determining how chemical and physical agents cause pathological changes in molecules, cells, tissues, and organs, and become manifested as respiratory disease, neurological…

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Total Rows 544