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Transcript for What is the Coronavirus Relief Fund - Cycle 6

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One Minute Math with the PRAC

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Coronavirus Relief Fund edition

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What is the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF)?
The CRF was created in the CARES Act to give direct funding to states, localities, territories and Tribal governments.

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$150 billion

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State, local and Tribal governments use the money from the CRF to create programs that fit their local needs. They spend the funds on program like: healthcare costs, workforce development, small business relief, unemployment compensation and education, 

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What are the numbers?

944 prime recipients received $150 billion in CRF money. 861 received $150k or more, the amount needed to report to Treasury OIG under the CARES Act.

Recipients must report on a quarterly basis what they spent. So far, we've gotten data from 6 reporting periods

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Page last modified: 11/06/2023
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