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Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services Program

Program Funding
Total Spent
Total Obligated

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Assistance Listing
Published Date
The Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services program (NANH-Museums) serves Federally recognized Native American tribes and Native Hawaiians by supporting projects that sustain heritage, culture, and knowledge. There are three program goals with two to four associated objectives each. GOAL 1: Empower people of all ages and backgrounds through experiential and cross-disciplinary learning and discovery. Obj 1.1: Support public programs, adult programs, family programs, and early childhood programs. Obj 1.2: Support exhibitions, interpretation, and digital media. Obj 1.3: Support in-school and out-of-school educational programs. Obj 1.4: Support the professional development of the Native American and Native Hawaiian museum workforce. GOAL 2: Build the capacity of organizations to serve their communities. Obj 2.1: Support institutional planning and policy development. Obj 2.2: Support…

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Total Rows 544