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Promotion of the Humanities Federal/State Partnership

Program Funding
Total Spent
Total Obligated

Some agencies choose to report funding totals for multiple programs in a single submission. The obligated and spent totals shown here only reflect those reported for this program alone. To see all money associated with this program, use the All Pandemic Awards dashboard and search for the program in the filter bar.

Number of Awards
Assistance Listing
Published Date
To promote local, statewide, and regional humanities programming through annual grants to humanities councils in each of the fifty states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and American Samoa. The humanities councils conduct humanities projects and grant programs for local nonprofit organizations, institutions, and groups, and occasionally for individuals. Under the provisions of 20 U.S.C. 956(f)(8), only one entity in each state may receive assistance from NEH as the state humanities council.
Total Rows 544