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Surveys, Studies, Research, Investigations, Demonstrations, and Special Purpose Activities Relating to the Clean Air Act

Program Funding
Total Spent
Total Obligated

Some agencies choose to report funding totals for multiple programs in a single submission. The obligated and spent totals shown here only reflect those reported for this program alone. To see all money associated with this program, use the All Pandemic Awards dashboard and search for the program in the filter bar.

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Assistance Listing
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Funding Priorities - Fiscal Year 2022: (1) Global Green Freight Supply Chain Demonstration program provides technical support, management and oversight in implementing outreach, analysis and capacity building for international green freight programs. The goal is to aid nations seeking to develop sustainable freight transport and increase efficiencies to reduce greenhouse gases and black carbon. (2)The NATTS program will continue to operate and maintain the national air toxics trends stations. The program also includes four supplemental program components: quality assurance, methods and instrumentation, sample and equipment shipping and handling, and data analyses using all available ambient air quality data for toxics with special emphasis on observations from the NATTS and community-scale monitoring programs. A community-scale ambient air toxics competition was conducted in FY2020 with…

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Total Rows 544